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Home ~ Beginner to Advanced Poker Strategy & Training
Poker Odds Strategy system on a card Howard lederer Poker Strategy Article During the WSOP players are confronted with huge fields. For example, in the 2007 WSOP*, nearly 3,000 players.. Cont...

Learn Poker Strategies, Psychology, & Probabilities of the Alluring Game of Hold'em Poker!


Welcome to "The Poker Strategist". Our vision is to be the #1 free source forlearn advanced poker strategies, poker training, poker tips Texas Hold'em Strategy, Poker Rules, and Unique Poker Strategy Tools on the entire internet. This is our focus and we hope you will find that the insights and strategies you acquire here reflect this goal.
Test your knowledge of Hold'em with our Poker Lingo Quiz, or access our Hold'em Hand Simulator or the Pot Odds Calculator for assistance with those difficult odds calculations.

There is a wealth of poker advice and information within this site for the serious player with the desire to learn and grow. The Poker Strategist is designed to provide you with straight forward poker information, straight to the point, to make learning poker as efficient as possible for you!

Our intention

Our intention for this site is not to coerce you into signing up to a poker room carelessly and have you lose your money as many other sites do. Our intention for The Poker Strategist is to help you gain a well rounded education in the art & science of poker first and foremost. Once you have this knowledge,  then you will be better prepared to compete and win more consistently online or offline.

It takes a lot of willpower and discipline to succeed on a pro poker level, and if you want to play high stakes poker, play poker for a living, or take a shot at the WSOP, or WPT you will certainly have to get out of the shallows and learn to swim with the sharks.
The intention of The Poker Strategist is to show you what it takes to succeed from an inside perspective, providing time tested strategies. Our strategy and training articles will take you deep into the mechanics, and psychology of poker to get you thinking like a pro. Our poker odds theory training pages will provide you with odds charts, guides, tips, including spotting a cheat, and many other useful tools for educating yourself.

About us

We have learned to play poker through internet games, casino, and home games. Because ofpoker rule, free poker, poker pot odds this, the strategies on this site will be very helpful for both online and offline poker games. They will teach you to succeed at poker through strategic and tactical decisions, rather than relying on other players' physical tells and bluffing exclusively.
Many new players unknowingly get caught up in the "sensational aspect" of poker and fall prey to wiser players, by making poor game choices, or a lack of knowing the environment they stumble into. If you want hype, this site is not for you, but if you need solid strategy that's been time-tested, and a crash course in odds training with cards, charts and probabilities you can begin putting to use for your education, than you arrived at the right site. Enjoy the journey and maybe we'll see ya' at the tables soon!

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Texas Calculatem Pro Poker Odds Calculator