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Long Odds

When there is a very low probability that something will happen.
When there is a no probability that something will happen.
When there is a very high probability that something will happen.
ANSWER: When there is a very low probability that something will happen.

Pot Odds

The odds that no one will win the pot.
The odds that an individual player will lose all of their chips.
The amount of money in the pot vs the amount of money it costs to continue playing.
ANSWER: The amount of money in the pot vs the amount of money it costs to continue playing.


A professional player who frequents high-stakes tournaments.
Four sevens (Ex: 7, 7, 7, 7).
A tight and conservative player.
ANSWER: A tight and conservative player.


The first three cards played in the center of the table that anyone may use to form a hand.
Sometimes called "fourth street," the river is the fourth common card played.
The final community card dealt; all players may use it to form their best hand.
ANSWER: The final community card dealt; all players may use it to form their best hand.

Short Odds

When there is a no probability that something will happen.
When there is a very low probability that something will happen.
When there is a very high probability that something will happen.
ANSWER: When there is a very high probability that something will happen.

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