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Poker Training - Poker Odds

In a standard fifty-two card deck with no wilds, there are exactly 2,598,960 different 5 card hand possibilities. Poker hand ranking is based on one simple fact alone- how difficult it is to be dealt that hand in exactly 5 cards. The more difficult it is to be dealt the poker hand in five cards, the higher the hand ranks on the scale of poker hands.


Poker Hand Odds Against Example
Royal Flush 649,739 to 1 Apoker strategy Kpoker strategy Qpoker strategy Jpoker strategy 10poker strategy
Straight Flush 64,973 to 1 9poker rules 8poker rules 7poker rules 6poker rules 5poker rules
Four-of-a-Kind 4,164 to 1 8poker hand ranking 8poker odds 8Poker Hands 8poker strategy QPoker Hands
Full House 693 to 1 KPoker Hands Kpoker hand ranking Kpoker odds 9poker strategy 9Poker Hands
Flush 508 to 1 Apoker odds Jpoker odds 9poker odds 7poker odds 3poker odds
Straight 254 to 1 Qpoker odds Jpoker hand ranking 10Poker Hands 9poker strategy 8poker rules
Three-of-a-Kind 46 to 1 7poker strategy 7Poker Hands 7poker hand ranking Kpoker odds 2poker rules
Two Pair 20 to 1 Apoker rules Apoker odds 7poker odds 7poker strategy JPoker Hands
One Pair 1.25 to 1 9poker rules 9Poker Hands Apoker strategy 8poker odds 2poker hand ranking
No Pair 1.002 to 1 Apoker rules 10Poker Hands 9poker strategy 6poker odds 3poker rules