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Poker Resources - Hold'em Genius

Doesn’t it always seem like the smartest poker player always wins the most money? Well if you want to be the smarter guy at the online poker table, you have to play with Holdem Genius.

Holdem Genius is the odds calculator guaranteed to help you play smarter and win more money. It’s so simple to use. Just drag and drop the Genius, and it will automatically attach to your poker game.

When you do, it watches your hand and instantly calculates your hand odds and pot odds with no manual inputs from you – EVER!

Plus, Holdem Genius gives you real-time betting advice based on the strength of your hand, your outs, the community cards, and what your opponents likely have.

You can even adjust the settings on Holdem Genius to match your personal playing style. Make it more aggressive in late position or tighter pre-flop. It’s up to you.

Plus, Holdem Genius can attach to multiple games at once making it easier for you to play more games and WIN MORE MONEY!

This is the best way to dominate your opponents at the table. When you know the odds, it’s easier to WIN!

The best part is you can get Holdem Genius for free just by opening a new account with one of their partner poker rooms. Click Here to go to the Holdem Genius website right now and get your FREE license!

Then you’ll be on your way to winning more money as a Texas Holdem Genius! ~article written and posted by Roy Rounder

Actual User Testimonials

I downloaded The Holdem Genius and I love it. I have finished in the money 4 out 5 times so far. Thanks for all you do. ~ ML

Holdem Genius is great for me. ~ Ed (Turnking at most sites)

Holdem Genius has really made a different in my game. I feel that the decisions I take in my poker game are so much more wiser with the all great info provided from Genius. Genius is the best Software out there. MANY MANY THANKS FOR CREATING THIS TOP OF THE (ON)LINE POKER COMPANION. ~ Robert

This program (Holdem Genius) is awesome! It is just like having another partner sit next to you to convince you to do the right thing ....Thanks for sharing this good stuff ! ~ Nhut

Holdem Genius helped me win the first 2 table tournament I played after installing the software. Thank you. Great program. I hope it doesn't become too popular. ;-)
Mark P.

The holdem genius is great the first tourney i played with it i took 1st and $4266 dollars

I have averaged $224 a day since I got the software (Holdem Genius). What I love about it is the pot-odds calculator there are times I thought I should fold when I should have called in the past. I have been playing poker for a couple years now and I make a nice side income thanks to you from online poker and now I think I do this for a living thanks to you.
Best Regards,
Chase T.

Holdem Genius isn't only the greatest training tool I have encountered, but if you won't let pride get in the way, it is the best way to get back on track.
Billy P.
Athens, TX