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Home > Rules > Poker Rules

Poker Rules

We have poker rules for beginners and experienced players alike, with a focus on rules for Texas Hold'em, the most popular form of poker. Texas Hold'em is played in the main event of the World Series of Poker and the World Poker Tour.

If you have never played cards before, start with The Deck.

If you know cards but not poker, start with Poker Hands.

If you have played some poker before, try Texas Hold'em.

If you want to play for money, read the betting rules. For beginners I recommend the Limit betting structure.

If you are looking for fun variations to the normal poker rules, try our Poker Variants page. These games are good for variety when you are playing at home; however, you will probably not find these games at casinos (online or live).

If you need to learn poker terms, including slang terms refer to the Poker Glossary and Slang Terms, and test your knowledge with our Poker Lingo Quiz.