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- Poker Glossary
- Poker Odds
- Preflop Odds
- Odds for the Flop
- Overcards on Flop
- Odds for the Turn
- Odds for the River
- Overall Percentages
- Hand Simulator
- Pot Odds Calculator
- Probabilities Chart
Poker Rules
- Poker Rules
- Poker Hands
- About Texas Hold'em
- Hold'em Rules
- Omaha Poker
- Limit Poker
- 7 Card Stud
- Variants
- Poker Rules
- Poker Lingo
- Lingo Quiz
- Why Learn Poker?
- Key Poker Skills
- Bankroll
- On to Casino
- Play Money
Poker Fundamentals:
Mental Strategy:
No Limit Hold'em:
Tactical Concepts:
Psychological Concept:
Finding Your Game:
Expert Concepts:
Tournament Poker:
Money Management:
About The World Series of Poker
Though the World Series of Poker made its official debut in
1970, the idea of the Horseshoe's annual tournament was
actually conceived more than two decades earlier.
In the summer of 1949, as the story goes, inveterate gambler
Nicholas "Nick the Greek" Dandolos approached Benny Binion
with an unusual request - to challenge the best in a
high-stakes poker marathon. Binion agreed to set up a match
between Dandolos and the legendary Johnny Moss, with the
stipulation that the game would be played in public view.
During the course of the marathon, which lasted five months
with breaks only for sleep, the two men played every form of
poker imaginable. Moss ultimately won "the biggest game in
town" and an estimated $2 million. When the Greek lost his
last pot, he arose from his chair, bowed slightly, and uttered
the now-famous words, "Mr. Moss, I have to let you go."
Dandolos then went upstairs to bed.
Though significant in its own way as a chapter in poker
history, the five-month marathon took on added importance to
Benny Binion. He noted that the public had gathered outside
the casino each day to watch the game with the fervor of
dedicated sports fans, and he was amazed at the attention the
event had attracted. But it wasn't until 1970 that Binion
decided to re-create this excitement and stage a battle of
poker giants - dubbed the "World Series Of Poker" - to
determine who would be worthy of the title "World Champion."
Some of the best players in the country were assembled, and
Johnny Moss came out on top. The decision was democratic in
that the champion was decided by popular vote.
The following year, the winner was determined by a freezeout
competition, with players being systematically eliminated
until one player had all the chips. Moss again was declared
the World Champion. In 1972, when Thomas "Amarillo Slim"
Preston won the title and went on the talk-show circuit, the
WSOP began to gain a wider following.
It was only a year later that Binion participated in the Oral
History Project at the University of Nevada-Reno and discussed
the World Series with interviewer Mary Ellen Glass. "This
poker game here gets us a lot of attention," he told Glass.
"We had seven players last year, and this year we had 13. I
look to have better than 20 next year. It's even liable to get
up to be 50, might get up to be more than that." Binion then
paused, and as if gazing into the future, prophesied, "It will
In the early 1980s, with the introduction of preliminary
satellite competitions with lower buy-ins, Binion's prophesy
came to fruition and the popularity of the World Series of
Poker soared. But even Benny Binion, who passed away on
Christmas Day of 1989, would have had difficulty foreseeing
the enormous growth the Horseshoe's annual tournament has
experienced in the past decade or so.
In 1982, nine years after Mr. Binion participated in UNR's
Oral History Project, the tournament drew 52 entrants. Five
years later, there were 2,141 participants, and the 2002 event
attracted 7,595 entries. The prize money has increased
proportionately, from $7,769,000 a decade ago to a staggering
$19,599,230 in 2002. Whereas only 12 events, mostly Texas
hold'em and seven-card stud, were scheduled as recently as
1988, the 2004 tournament offers 33 competitions that feature
a wide variety of games.
Today, the legacy Benny Binion left the poker community ranks
as the oldest, largest, most prestigious, and most media-hyped
gaming competition in the world, and no doubt it holds the
promise of an even brighter future. But equally important, The
World Series of Poker has touched thousands of lives over the
years, affording talented players the opportunity to follow
their dreams, reach for the stars, and perhaps one day achieve
greatness in their chosen endeavor.
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WSOP Event Schedule