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Home > Training > Overcards on the Flop

Overcards on the Flop

So what is an overcard? An overcard is a card on the flop that is higher than the highest card in your hand.
Why are overcards important? Because they represent a threat if they pair up to one of your opponent's hole cards.
If you hold 9poker training 9poker terms, glossary and the flop comes Ktexas hold'em poker 8poker rules 3poker terms, glossary, then the Ktexas hold'em poker is the overcard to your hand.

You must hold an ace not to worry about an overcard on the flop. You see an ace only 14.9% of the time.

Percent Chance That You Will Flop an Overcard

You Hold None One Two Three One or More An Overcard and No Set if Paired
Kpoker terms, glossary Kpoker rules or KX 77.449 21.122 1.408 0.020 22.550 11.67
Qpoker rules Qtexas hold'em poker or QX 58.571 35.143 6.000 0.286 41.429 31.12
Jtexas hold'em poker Jpoker training or JX 43.041 43.041 12.796 1.122 56.959 46.96
10poker training10poker terms, glossary or TX 30.531 45.796 20.816 2.875 69.487 59.57
9poker terms, glossary 9poker rules or 9X 20.714 44.388 29.082 5.816 79.286 69.30
8poker rules 8texas hold'em poker or 8X 13.265 39.796 36.612 10.327 86.735 76.54
7texas hold'em poker 7poker training or 7X 7.857 33.000 42.429 16.714 92.143 81.65
6poker training 6poker terms, glossary or 6X 4.163 24.980 45.551 25.306 95.837 85.01
5poker terms, glossary 5poker rules or 5X 1.857 16.714 45.000 36.429 98.143 86.97
4poker rules 4texas hold'em poker or 4X 0.612 9.184 39.796 50.408 99.388 87.92
3texas hold'em poker 3poker training or 3X 0.102 3.367 28.959 67.571 99.898 88.22
2poker training 2poker terms, glossary or 2X impossible 0.245 11.510 88.245 100.000 88.24

In the chart above, the headings "None," "One," "Two," and "Three," mean the chance of having exactly that many overcards come on the flop.

The "One or More" column is the total of the One, Two, and Three columns. The last column gives the odds of getting at least one overcard without flopping a set when you hold a pair. In other words, if you hold a pocket pair, it gives the odds you won't like the flop.

The following table shows you what to expect when you don't have suited cards and aren't looking to make a straight. When your looking to pair the highest card in your hand on the flop, this is the table for you.

Chances of Flopping the Top Pair

If You Hold an Unpaired % chance it will be the highest card on the flop
A 16.6
K 13.9
Q 11.3
J 9.1
10 7.1
9 5.4
8 3.9
7 2.6
6 1.6
5 0.8
4 0.3
3 0.1
2 0.0

Something useful to know: How your pocket cards compare to the other players' cards before the flop. If you know all the possible two-card combinations (1,326) and you know how many other players are dealt into the hand, you can compute the chance that you have the best hand before the flop. You may refer to a preflop odds table for this by Clicking Here.