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Home > Poker Strategy > Tilt

Poker Strategy - Tilt

Going on tilt means letting your emotions disrupt your ability to play. All poker players go on tilt at least once during their career, but limiting these episodes is essential to winning at poker. Poker is a game that requires reason. If you have Qon tiltJ, and the flop comes A poker tellsQ poker strategy10 free poker, and there is a lot of betting action, you need to know to fold. If you were on tilt, you would let your emotions take control and make you do whatever it took to take down the pot. You would keep chasing, hoping to catch a king and hoping that no one had a flush.

Its common for people who get upset and don't stay focused and reasonable to lose all the money they brought to the table. Poker is almost anti-human in the way it triggers emotions but rewards people who are made of stone. I'm not trying to scare you or act as if all poker players are unemotional stones, but it is imperative to stay focused and rational while at the poker table.

Generally, most players tilt due to a bad beat or if they just can't seem to win a hand. Some players have a slight tilt after they win a big hand or two, but those episodes generally are much shorter than by losing tilts.

For example, take this hand I played recently.



I bet at the flop and was called. 10poker tips , came on the turn. I bet, he called. River was 7poker odds. I bet, and he raised. I decided to just call, thinking he may have actually had KJ. No, he had 7poker rule 7holdem secrets. The idiot had called me to the river with little hope but won on a very lucky river catch. Needless to say, I was not playing well the next couple of hands.

While going on tilt is natural, you need to limit it. Generally, the best way is to sit out a couple of hands and go for a walk.

Another good way to handle a bad beat is to just think about all the bad beats you have laid in the past. After the bad beat I mentioned above, I sat back and thought about the time I stupidly went all-in during a Pot-Limit Omaha with a bottom set.


My Hand





My opponent had the best hand when all the money went into the pot. I was lucky enough to catch a backdoor flush on the turn and river and take down a huge pot. That day, I went on to win the most money that I have ever won in in a day. If I had lost that hand, I probably would have called it quits and never would have won all of that money. Thinking back on the time I pulled off this bad beat and went on to win such a huge sum helps me get through the times when a jarhead rivers me.

Listening to music is another way to avoid tilt. The positive vibes you get from a song you enjoy will help counteract the negative emotions a bad beat can bring. I would also suggest changing songs or CD's after you have suffered a bad beat. This way you distract yourself from getting too emotionally caught up in the poker game.

Many people, myself included, tend to curse at the computer if they get a bad beat. However, for myself at least, cursing is not nearly as therapeutic as thinking about that huge bad beat I laid at the table. Cursing tends to make you more mad and will cause you to develop some bad habits. When you are about to go on tilt, sit out and think of happy thoughts (as goofy as it sounds, it's true) and hopefully you can resume playing your best. poker strategy