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Home > Training > Odds for the Turn

Odds for the Turn

There are two types of hands in hold'em:

1. A pair or better.
2. A draw to a straight or flush.

Every hand that is played postflop is a contest between these two types of hands or within each type of hand. Classic examples would be:

1. A player has flopped top pair with a good kicker, while his/her opponent has flopped a straight or a flush draw:

You Hold

Apoker strategyKPoker Hands
poker hand rankingJPoker Hands

The Flop Is

Kpoker hand ranking7poker odds6Poker Hands
poker odds8poker odds3poker hand ranking

I Hold

8poker strategy9Poker Hands
poker odds5poker odds

2. Both players have flopped the same pair, but one player is ahead of the other because he has a better kicker:

You Hold

Apoker hand ranking9Poker Hands

The Flop Is

9poker hand rankingKPoker Hands5poker hand ranking

I Hold

10poker hand ranking9poker odds

3. Both players have flopped a straight draw, but one player has higher cards than the other:


You Hold

KPoker HandsQPoker Hands

The Flop Is

Jpoker odds9poker hand ranking8Poker Hands

I Hold

7poker strategy6poker strategy

4. Both players have flopped a flush draw, but one has higher cards than the other:


You Hold

Apoker strategyJpoker strategy

The Flop Is

Kpoker strategy9poker strategy6poker strategy

I Hold

8poker strategy4poker strategy

5. Both players started with luke warm hands, and they both totally missed the flop:


You Hold

Jpoker hand ranking5poker odds

The Flop Is

APoker Hands9poker strategy2poker odds

I Hold

7poker odds3poker hand ranking

In all of the examples above, there's an easy way to figure out how each hand will turn out. To do this you determine how many outs you have and compute the chances of hitting your outs on the turn and the river. You may refer to the following table for a statistical guide these drawing odds by Clicking Here.