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Home > Training > Preflop Odds

Poker Training- Preflop Odds

Determining Odds Preflop

There are exactly 1,326 different ways you can be dealt 2 card combinations in the standard deck. How do we come up with this number? Think of it this way, the odds of dealing any card you name off the top of the deck are one in fifty-two. The odds of dealing the next card you name are one in fifty-one or 52 x 51= 2,652. These cards can come in either order so divide by two
and you end up with 1,326.

1:326 is a very important number for a hold'em player. This is a number you're going to have to memorize if your committed to winning at hold'em more consistently. By now you can see how a knowledge of mathematics is crucial. (Note: there are many online interfacing odds calculators that offer quick odds statistics however, I suggest you learn not to rely on them exclusively. Most pros have learned to memorize and calculate without them.) Many of the decisions you will have to make at hold'em involve knowing this number.

Now, there are only six ways to be dealt each pair. You only have 4 cards of each rank to work with when creating pairs and there are only six possible combinations. They are:

1. poker training/poker terms, glossary   2. poker training/texas hold'em poker   3. poker training/poker rules   4. poker terms, glossary/texas hold'em poker   5. poker terms, glossary/poker rules   6. texas hold'em poker/poker rules

Any two cards that are not a pair can come in sixteen different ways. Let's look at AK for an example, the Atexas hold'em poker can combine with each of the four different kings, as can the Apoker rules, the Apoker terms, glossary, and the Apoker strategy. Four aces combining with four kings makes sixteen possible combinations. They are:

1.     Apoker training Kpoker strategy

3.     A
poker training Ktexas hold'em poker

5.     A
poker terms, glossary Kpoker strategy

7.     A
poker terms, glossary Ktexas hold'em poker

9.     A
texas hold'em poker Kpoker strategy

11.   A
texas hold'em poker Ktexas hold'em poker

13.   A
poker rules Kpoker training

15.   A
poker rules Ktexas hold'em poker
  2.     Apoker strategy Kpoker terms, glossary

4.     A
poker training Kpoker rules

6.     A
poker terms, glossary Kpoker terms, glossary

8.     A
poker terms, glossary Kpoker rules

10.   A
texas hold'em poker Kpoker terms, glossary

12.   A
texas hold'em poker Kpoker rules

14.   A
poker rules Kpoker terms, glossary

16.   A
poker rules Kd

Four of the combinations above are suited. This is true of all unpaired hand combinations so, since 16/4=4 we can deduce that one-fourth of all unpaired two-card hands will be suited.
Now you have learned, without much work, four things:

1. There are 1,326 different hold'em hands
2. There are only six ways to make a pair.
3. There are sixteen ways to make an unpaired hand.
4. One-fourth of those unpaired hands are suited.

5. Additionally, we may deduce that by disregarding suits, there are 169 different possible two-card hands. Any one of the thirteen ranks can combine
with any one of the other thirteen ranks to make a hand (13x13=169).

6. Of the 1,326 total hands, seventy-eight of them are pairs (13 ranks x 6 combinations= 78 different pairs).

7. Since #6 above is true, one out of every seventeen hands will be a pair (1,326/78=17).

8. Since #7 is true, the odds of being dealt any pair you specify (usually aces) are one out of 221.

So if I ask you what the odds of being dealt pocket aces on the next hand, you will say?...220 to 1? Right!
You can also draw this conclusion by dividing the six ways to make pocket aces into the 1,326 possible hands (1,326/6=221).

9. With no information at all about a player's hand, you know that odds are sixteen to six (or eight to three) that he does not hold
a pocket pair. The unpaired hand is two and two-thirds more likely than the pair (6 x 2 2/3=16).

Odds for the Flop