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- Poker Glossary
- Poker Odds
- Preflop Odds
- Odds for the Flop
- Overcards on Flop
- Odds for the Turn
- Odds for the River
- Overall Percentages
- Hand Simulator
- Pot Odds Calculator
- Probabilities Chart
Poker Rules
- Poker Rules
- Poker Hands
- About Texas Hold'em
- Hold'em Rules
- Omaha Poker
- Limit Poker
- 7 Card Stud
- Variants
- Poker Rules
- Poker Lingo
- Lingo Quiz
- Why Learn Poker?
- Key Poker Skills
- Bankroll
- On to Casino
- Play Money
Poker Fundamentals:
Mental Strategy:
No Limit Hold'em:
Tactical Concepts:
Psychological Concept:
Finding Your Game:
Expert Concepts:
Tournament Poker:
Money Management:
Poker Strategy - Moving Up/Down Limits
Choosing which limit to play is a critical element when playing poker. Generally, you should choose which limit to play based on your financial situation, your poker ability, and your aversion to risk.
No matter how wealthy you are, it is often best to start out at the lower limits simply because the competition there is easier. Few 'professionals' play at the $1-2 games, so it is a relatively safe place to begin one's poker career. Even if you are a billionaire, no one will know it when you play on the internet and think any less of you for playing at a low limit.
When choosing a limit, the major choices come when one decides to move up a limit or down a limit. Generally, you should only move up a limit if you think you are comfortable playing at that limit for seven sessions or more. Do not choose a limit so high that it makes you scared to play. Playing scared is a guaranteed recipe for losing. It is also not wise to 'go for it' at a higher limit. If you are making a run for it at a higher limit, you probably do not have the bankroll to survive there for long. Even if you win on two straight sessions, you will likely bust out and have to move down if you are not bankrolled enough at any given limit.
If you take a hit at a higher limit, you should generally move down. However, you shouldn't move down so far that you are totally unmotivated to play. If you move up to $25-50 from $10-20, you shouldn't fall back to $1-2 once you decide that $25-50 is too high. While people tend to play too scared at a higher limit, they also tend to play too loose at a lower limit. Play a limit that motivates you to play, but also at which that you are not scared to play.