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Home > Reviews > Pacific Poker

Pacific Poker Review

Updated Sept. 15, 2005

Overall 86 ..........................
Ease of Competition 99 ......................................
Cashouts 80 ......................
Customer Service 62 .............
Software 68 .................


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Home of the worst players on the internet, Pacific Poker is a gem for anyone looking for an easy game. Their limits range from $.05-.10 to $30-60. This site also has some of the most activity at very low limits (such as $.25-$.50) I've seen on the Internet. This is probably the best site for a player who doesn't want to risk much money. However, their software leaves something to be desired. People are also frequently disconnected from Pacific's servers, and Pacific's customer support is also often about as competent as most of the players at the site.

Their software is pretty bad. The games are very slow, though this may be nice for beginners since it gives them more time to think. They have their software available in both Java and downloadable form, which is a plus. If you use a Mac, this is one of the few poker rooms you can play without getting a program like Virtual PC. They have also been improving their software lately, making it smoother and expanding some features. Nevertheless, their software remains among the worst out there. Their servers are also fairly poor. Many people have had problems getting disconnected from Pacific Poker's servers.

Their signup bonus is okay. It is 50% up to $150. They also give you bonus dollars for your play. For every $10 you wager, you earn one point. For every 100 points, you earn a free dollar. For lower limits, this means little. However, for higher limit players, this is a very nice feature.

Their website says it takes 5 business days to cashout to Neteller, which is inexcusable in my mind. However, sometimes I have gotten it quicker than this (though it is 5 days most of the time).

Game Information
They display the flop % and average pot which is nice.

This is the reason to play at Pacific Poker. The players are horrible. Everyone is a calling station and some maniacs exist. However, this will skyrocket the frustration level as your premium hands will frequently be cracked. I recommend playing at a lower limit than usual at first because the variance is so much higher here. What's nice about this site is they have many micro limit games (5-10 cent, 25-50 cents) so you don't need to risk much money to be able to play. So if you can put up with their software, you may be in for a nice payday.

Customer Service
Pacific offers both phone and email customer service. They do a decent job at answering basic questions, but they are pretty bad at helping out with more complicated matters. They also take a long time to answer emails. Just hope you do not have any major problems because you will not be dealing with the most knowledgeable or helpful support staff out there if you do.

Ring Games offered
Texas Holdem, Omaha hi-lo, 7-stud

Ring Games stakes
Fixed limit: $.05-.10, $.10-.20, $.25-.50, $.50-1, $1-2, $2-4, $3-6, $5-10, $10-20, $30-60 (all are popular)
Pot limit/No limit: $.05-$.10, $.25-$.50, $.50-$1, $1-$2, $2-4, $3-6

Tournaments offered
Both Single-Table and Multi-Table

Tournament Buy-ins
Fixed limit: From $2.50 up to $100
Pot limit/No limit: From $2.50 up to $100

Minimum Deposit: $20

Click here to visit Pacific Poker