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Home > Gambling Laws > Cheats > Poker Cheating Techniques Defined

Poker Cheating Techniques

Sleight of hand

Sleight of hand, also known as prestidigitation ('quick fingers') or legerdemain (pronounced in French, from 'lightness of hand' or deformation of 'le jeu de main' i.e. 'playing with the hand'), is the set of techniques used by a magician (or card sharp) to manipulate small objects such as cards and coins secretly. Sleight of hand is not a branch of magic, but rather, the means used by a magician to achieve various aims. The techniques involved are often difficult, sometimes taking months of practice before they can be performed with proficiency and years to master. Sleight of hand is mostly employed in close-up magic, but it can also be used in stage magic and other areas of magic.

Close-up magic is performed with the audience close to the magician, possibly in physical contact. It usually makes use of everyday items as props, such as cards and coins.

Some of these techniques can also be used to cheat in gambling games, to steal, or, in some cases, to claim supernatural powers. For this reason the term frequently carries negative associations of deceit and is used metaphorically outside the above contexts.


Bottom Dealing

Bottom dealers are a breed of poker cheats who specialize in "bottom dealing."

Bottom dealing is a method of illegally influencing the outcome of a poker game by way of dealing from the bottom, rather than the top, of the card deck. Generally, a bottom dealer will sneak a peek at the bottom card of the deck just after or during the cut. With the knowledge of that card in mind, he can deal the card to himself or a confederate to help his or his buddy's hand, or deal it to someone else if he knows the card will not help the opponent (thereby preventing the opponent from improving his hand).

If you ever happen to catch a bottom dealer in action, your best bet is to walk away and alert the authorities. Confronting the cheat directly is a dangerous play, as he will not likely go down without a fight, and may be armed just in case anyone decides to question his integrity.

Second Dealing

Second dealing is a method of illegally influencing the outcome of a poker game by way of dealing the second, rather than the top, card of the deck. Generally, a second dealer will sneak a peek at the second or first card of the deck just after or during the cut. With the knowledge of that (or those two) card(s) in mind, he can deal the second or first card to himself or a confederate to help his or his buddy's hand, or deal it to someone else if he knows the card will not help the opponent (thereby preventing the opponent from improving his hand). The identity of the top card can also be determined by using marked (or pegged) cards.

Card sharps who specialize in this cheat are known as "second dealers."

Card Marking

Stacking the Deck

Hold Out Devices


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