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Poker Office (NEW RELEASE) 
Sept. 20, 2010
New PokerOffice Release: Added Poker Networks, PokerOffice Omaha & New Features
The latest release from poker tracking software PokerOffice is a joy for poker players from the US, lovers of Omaha and the ones with an eye for detail.
PokerOffice, the poker software veteran helping online poker players calculating pot odds and giving advice at the poker tables since 2004, has just released its latest version.
Top news is that PokerOffice now is compatible with the Cereus & Pacific poker networks. Great news especially for US players that now can add Cereus to the list of places to play and use PokerOffice. The software is since earlier also compatible with Full Tilt, Poker Stars and all other major European poker networks.
Omaha fans should be thrilled to hear that the Beta version of PokerOffice Omaha is available through this release. Everything that’s been good in the Hold'em version of PokerOffice has been used to create PokerOffice Omaha.
With this version you will also find new graphs and statistical functions, including All-in EV, No Showdown Winnings, and Showdown Winnings graphs. New fresh cards will improve the feeling of the Live Window, and an increase in overall performance will make it possible to load data approximately four times faster than prior versions.
To view all new functions available simply download and start the PokerOffice software as normal, the option to use PokerOffice Omaha will be found in the top right corner.
To learn more and try out PokerOffice for free, visit: http://www.pokeroffice.com/PokerStrategistSpecial
PokerOffice was founded in 2004 to provide online poker players with a poker software tool to help improve and analyze their poker play. Playing online poker with PokerOffice will give users an amazing edge against their opponents as the software will give them pot odds, betting patterns, outs and probabilities as hands are played out.