Exclusive to my subscribers. A limited edition and soon sweeping the poker world! (only 300 267 193 161 142 119 left)...

"Discover The Incredible Little Known Hold'em Strategy System That Is Secretly Winning Over Its Users. World's Top Poker Players Concerned!"

... Even if... you have absolutely NO clue as to how to play poker, (And little to NO time to learn it on your own!)

In fact, in just a few short weeks (perhaps even less!), you could be pulling in huge pots  -- once you know the secret system.

Now,  if you enjoy searching laborously through countless poker books as a means to an edge over your competition then fine, don't read anymore of this...close your browser, go to bed, dream on, end of story...

Still with me? O.K. Listen up..

What if I told you that you could have a comprehensive and statistically thorough poker strategy available at your fingertips during real game time?

What if I also told you that this strategy was created by a computer trading systems developer and author whose methods have been employed by multi-million dollar hedge funds?

Finally, what if I told you this strategy will make sure that you never again have to wonder when to bet, how much to bet, or when to fold on any given hand because the statistically optimal choice has already been determined for you?

How much would such a strategy be worth?     Thousands?... Millions?....

With today's top hold' em tournament prize pools, do you think there might be just a little bit of the pot you could steal if you had the above knowledge instantly at your disposal when you needed it most?

Thanks to my diligent networking skills with some of the most respected financial traders I am able to bring you this Amazing Exclusive Offer...

*The 5Th Street Texas Hold'em Smart Card System*

   Actually top left corner of The Basic Card    

               ... For a very limited time, YOU, too, can quickly and easily grasp the essential strategies this copyrighted system reveals and start making the right mathematical calls every time!

Need More Details?   Basic Card     Advanced Card

Dear Future Champion,

Almost everyone selling anything poker at all has a self interest in taking your money, just as your opponents do. That may sound harsh, but for the most part its true.

Today's poker industry is booming thanks to the big networks like ESPN, TTC, etc. airing numerous poker challenges such WSOP, WPT.  Its created a lot of excitement. Unfortunately it has also created some real challenges for new players to break ground against the ever mounting competition.

This can mean some painful experiences for newbie players, and a lot of time and money scrambling for new resources in hopes of gaining the edge you need. I understand your feelings. (Yes, I do read your emails)

Let me get one thing straight friends, for the record I am not a full time poker player, I am a marketer with a background in poker who has rubbed elbows over the years with some of the best in the industry. I know the struggle and what its like to win and to lose.

I've purchased and read many poker books along the way too. Some of you know by now that books can only get you so far, especially when most of the dialogue deals with a players personal lifestyle and experiences along the way. Now if your like me you want the hard core meat and potatoes truth about winning at poker, not a biography. When I want a biography, I'll buy that kind of book.

Let me get another thing right out in the open here... Poker Players write poker books to supplement their income. Some get rich at it even. However no one has summed up all the rules on a handy card that you can use during "live play". Why is this significant? Every table is unique, every player different. The variables are always changing. Books can give you a sense of the game, some psychology behind it, and some decent strategies even, but what happens so often is we get to the table and find ourselves guessing to often, and losing confidence because we don't have a statistically accurate and thorough reference that takes into account all the variables as they come up. We're human. Our ability to retain, sort and calculate is less than perfect. What is your choice? A calculator? Not legal during live play. A book? That will look real good, searching through in front of your opponents. Your own judgement? Are you psychic? If you were you wouldn't be reading this right now! You'd be out cleaning up!

What makes me so sure of this system? Well, I've been there... the ups, the downs, the wins, losses and turn-arounds over and over again. And I'm still doing it only now with a consistency of success that I never had before. Poker is enjoyable for me now, and it can be more enjoyable for you too, I firmly believe that.

 You can tell by the testimonials in this letter that I am not an unusual statistic.

“Wow,  received the advanced card 4 weeks ago and studied it carefully. I entered an online sit & go using it and won $300. The card paid for itself and then some but, the exciting thing is last week I entered a 10K freeroll and won! Just the beginning!"                     - Ron M. Nebraska

As you see your skill level climb and your friends become envious, then and only then will you know for sure that this system really works...

You see, it doesn't matter how much money you've made. What counts is how much money YOU MAKE consistantly.

"It is undeniable. The system works because it takes into account variables that aren't otherwise easy to recognize by the human brain." It exposed to me my weaknesses. Truly an indispensable tool I will continue to use. - Steve Y. New York

"The Size Of A Business Card- The Power To Bring Down Giants!"

The world is a big place with much to offer. I ask you this, "How much of it do you want?"

Do you have a desire in life? Do you want to reach your goals? What are your goals?

Is one of them to be a pro poker player? If so than you gotta get real with yourself.            There's some Big Dawgs out there waiting to put you in the dog house quick!

 How about turning the tables on them?

Here are key areas the Smart Card system is designed to guide you in:

Knowing whether or not to invest in a pot in a given  situation, and how much to invest.

♦  Avoid making mathematical mistakes.

Coerce your opponents into making mistakes.

Use deception & semi-bluffing as a means of "controlling" your opponent, with confidence.



Are you starting to see the potential here?

Now let me be straight with you. There are lots of people that think their doing pretty good at Poker. Some of them even make decent money at it. The vast majority of them lose way too much for the money they win. And that same collectively miss out on tens of thousands of dollars in potential wins!

Be the first at your table with this mathematical tool and leave your opponents Stunned!!!

As you will actually see when you study the Smart Card and booklet is that it's possible for you to start implementing these techniques in just a few hours. It's actually very easy once you know the definitions and guidelines.

Just about anyone with a brain can do it.

You'll also understand why other odds charts just don't compare and why, once you understand this formula, you can avoid those types of pitfalls.

Like anything in life - there's a wrong way and a right way to minimize your learning curve, and maximize the cash you put in your pockets at the end of the day. When you learn the right way, raking in big profits becomes relatively easy and you can do it almost as often as you like.

Explode Your Skill Level now!

  •  Achieve (HUGE!) Win Margins.  Increase your winnings ratio substantially..

  •   The Smart Card is Like a Silent Partner Behind the Scenes that is Always Working for You.

  • When You Follow the Amazing *Smart Card System* - you'll drastically improve your understanding of the game of holdem.


  • You will *Finally* have the tool that can Separate you from the Crowd of  Failures!

I've seen poker pros all over the world experiencing huge wins .(I know some of them) And most of them are never going to reveal to you how they do it. They've locked their lips and thrown away the keys.

In fact, I'm probably going to take a lot of heat for revealing this system to you, and its not likely I will be able to sell anymore other resources to you once you have your smart card. But because it's the right thing to do and it's long overdue, I'm going to go ahead anyway... for a few select people like you.

There is a requirement....

You have to be able to follow directions.

(Special Promo)

During the launch and ONLY if you are one of the FIRST 300 267 193 161 142 119 67 people ordering you will receive the "Advanced Card" PLUS a Special Bonus Item- Howard Lederer's Secrets of Hold'em DVD for $47. That's 60% off Retail!

Need More Details?

Basic Card

Advanced Card

What separates YOU from the Pros?

YES! Enough is Enough... I'm Ready To *Shock* My Poker Opponents Now!!! And Increase My Wins Substancially!!

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Yours in success,

Mark D. Rossi

P.S.- Simply - This is the *Best Package* I have offered because I want you to Win Big, Whip Some Big Dawgs For Me! But the key is do you want to? Do you believe it is possible?

P.P.S.- With all this said, Can I bribe you to impact the world? cl.ick below, go ahead and steal the System from me: Click Here Now!

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/ Worlds #1 Advanced Poker Strategy System on a Card