Shock Your Poker Opponents With this Proven But Little Known System That Fits In The Palm Of Your Hand! Its Your Secret...We Won't Tell!

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You'll Get *Howard Lederer's Secrets Of Hold'em* DVD  for $4.95 w/ your advanced Card order- This DVD is jam packed with Hold'em wisdoms that will empower you to explode your winnings. (a $25. Value)

Yes, I’m committed to my SUCCESS and pulling in HUGE wins is essential to me.  Send me "The Advanced Card" (pre & post flop system)

This is your moment - Don't miss out - Act Now! Gain the edge you need over the competition before they know what hit'em.   You'll save over 42% off retail, because you're ordering today, and you'll own the best hold'em strategy system available for only $67. Don't leave home without it!

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The Advanced Card is Probably the Best Investment in poker essentials you'll ever make!

Ron Miccario: "Excellent product! My winnings have increased significantly and I don't stress so much at the table now! Truly an invaluable tool! Thanks so much!"

Roger Carr: "I've been searching high and low for a way to advance my post flop skill level. I was always writing notes and forgeting stuff. This card summed up what I've been trying to do for a long time. Wonderfully designed system. I'm gonna get right to working with it. Oh, one more thing, don't sell anymore of these please!"


Dan Porter: “This Card helped me elevate my game to beyond professional levels. It is an invaluable tool for any player, of any skill level.”


Kevin Ortinau: “Much more than a simple odds calculator, the Card tells you how much to risk, when to hold and when to raise. Brilliant!”


Randall Murphy: “I’ve been using the card for three weeks now, and it has improved my game, no question. Thanks to the Card, I have the odds down pat, so my bluffing has become more effective. The only problem: my friends are getting sick of my taking their hard earned cash!”


Jason Jones: “Excellent product. A must-have for anyone interested in winning the game of Texas Hold ‘Em.”


Paul Hendricks: “As a professional trader and amateur poker player, I found the Card to be extremely useful in helping me determine how much capital to bet based on the hand I was dealt. I was amazed how poorly I had been playing the odds before I got the Card!”


Jenny Taggart: “My husband’s buddies are now eating their words thanks to the Card. It makes me happy to take their money….”


Alvin Jessup: “I must have read every book ever written on Texas Hold ‘Em, but none of them helped my game as much as your Card.



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