"Poker Power-Tips For Mercilessly
Whipping Your Opponents (Part 2)
"You have
failed many times? How fortunate! You ought to know by now some of the
things NOT to do."
-Napoleon Hill
by Mark Rossi
The Poker Strategist
I shared some of my Power-Tips for Mercilessly Whipping Your Opponents.
Let's go ahead and take a look at the final 3 tips - plus a bonus
strategy for you to use right away.(If you
missed Power-Tips 1 through 4, click this link to see them:
Texas Hold'Em Strategies.)
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- Step up! The higher the stakes, the more exact
the play gets. This is because higher stakes attracts more skilled
players. If you can clean up on the $1/$2 table all day, try the $2/$4.
You'll learn from the better players, and soon you will graduate to that
next level.
- Watch better players! If someone rocks your
wallet for all you've got, see how they did it. Single out and analyze
these opponents by trying to predict what they might have, and what
their next play might be.
Once you can do that, they are no longer the better player.
- Throw down! Try different styles of play. It's
good to play tight as a beginner, but when you're branching out, try
being that aggressive freak who everyone knows is bluffing. Learn how
other players react to individual styles of play, and how they react
when you change from passive to aggressive.
- BONUS TIP: Hold 'Em is ultimately about making money. If you see a leak in
someone's game, exploit it! That player will learn his or her lesson
eventually, as we all did.
Make them pay to learn that lesson. If you ever start feeling guilty
about taking some fool for all he's worth, remember a time when it
happened to you. Don't feel bad anymore, do you? Its part of the game.
Those are a few power-tips to help improve your game.
Follow those, keep practicing, and you'll be
beating the pants off your friends at home games (or maybe even online
poker rooms) in no time.
Your next issue
will arrive Tomorrow...
You'll discover how to dramatically improve
your game with tiny (but powerful) improvements every day... Watch
your email tomorrow!
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